Sell Colorado Land

Colorado has a diverse landscape of snow-covered Rocky Mountains, arid desert land, river canyons, forests and sand dunes. It is home to many state parks and boosts some of the most scenic views in the United States. Colorado is considered a western state and is located strategically just west of the center of the United States. Home to the Rocky Mountains and the infamous Brekenridge Ski Resort, it is a common vacation spot for winter bunnies. To sell Colorado land, one has to think in terms of the buyer.

Vacant Land buyers are different from a residential home buyer. Folks buy land for many different reasons which are for the most part totally different from the reasons they buy homes so reaching a buyer to sell Colorado land can sometimes be challenging.

Basically, you have three 3 ways to sell Colorado land. You can try to sell the property yourself to an end user or enlist the services of a local Realtor to sell the property and paying a commission or sell to an investor. We’ll examine in detail below all 3 options to sell Colorado land. But before we look at the various options to sell Colorado land, a major factor that needs to be addressed is Price.

Pricing vacant land can be very tricky. Parcels sitting right adjacent to each other can be very different in worth. One may have trees and the other may not. One may have a stream running through it and the other may not, and so on. Finding similar parcels as yours that were recently sold can be a daunting task. The worst thing you can do is over price it to “see who will bite”. This would scare away buyers from even inquiring about the property and it tells the buyer that you not be serious about selling. Banks do not lend on vacant land and you have to realize that the buyer will have to come to closing with cash so pricing is critical. To come up with the optimal price to sell Colorado land, consider what your needs are – are you looking for a quick sale? Are you behind in property tax payments? Are you willing to wait months? a year? to sell? At the end of the day you will have to choose between getting a high price (and waiting) and selling fast. let’s now look at some of the ways you can sell Colorado land.

Sell yourself to end user

The is the most profitable option but also the longest option as well. You will need to begin to think like a Colorado land buyer and market in the same places that buyer may be visiting. This includes local vacation areas as well as Colorado relating websites. You will need to dig in and do some homework on where such buyers may be ‘hanging out’ and market accordingly.

If you are in close proximity to the property, consider cleaning the lot and remove and dead trees and make it presentable before showing it to a prospective buyer. Put a sign up if the local ordinances allow it.  If you are out of state or far away, this might prove difficult.

You will have to prepare to constantly market the property for a while to be able to find a buyer. it would help if you know about any restrictions on the lot so that when buyers ask, you can relate the information to them.

Finally, be patient! It can easily take 6-9-12 months before you can find a serious buyer. After finding a buyer, you will have to consider how to go about closing the transaction-finding a title company, going into contract and the general selling process.

Sell with a Realtor

You can sell Colorado land with a Realtor. Simply call up a local Realtor have him/her list your land to try to find a buyer. A Realtor will typically charge 10% commission to sell vacant land. This is because vacant land is harder to sell and the price is a lot lower than homes. Realtors hardly make any money selling land and as such they don’t usually spend any money marketing it. They simply list it and hope a buyer sees it. Needless to say, a Realtor would rather spend his/her time earning 6% commission on a $200,000 house than 10% on a $10,000 vacant parcel.

While selling with a Realtor should be quicker than you selling on your own, it still can take 6-9 months.

Sell to an investor

This is by far the fastest way to sell Colorado land! Investors like us, buys land for investment purposes. We take a gamble on reselling or holding the land. Investors will buy at a discount but you know for sure that your land has sold. When we buy, we will pay for all closing costs so there is no out of pocket cost to you. We will even pay all back taxes and all tax liens (if any), we take care of the entire closing process – you don’t even have to leave your home.

Click here for a cash offer for your land.

In the end, you have to decide what’s your time worth and how quickly you need to sell. While selling by yourself will net you the highest dollar, you may have to wait months before finding a buyer. selling to an investor can be done within a week or two at most.